Improving air quality Clean air is essential for our health and wellbeing. But air quality can be an issue both indoors outdoors – because of vehicle and industry emissions. There is a particular problem with poor air quality in many of our towns and cities. This particularly affects children and the elderly, and those with underlying health issues. There is also a wealth of data to document that poor air quality is a bigger issue in poorer communities. The aim for Scotland’s air quality strategy is: Transport: A Scotland that reduces transport emissions by supporting the uptake of low and zero emission fuels and technologies, promoting a modal shift away from the car, through active travel (walking and cycling) and reducing the need to travel. Legislation and Policy: A Scotland where all European and Scottish legal requirements relating to air quality are as a minimum complied with. Communication: A Scotland where all citizens are well informed, engaged, and empowered to improve our air quality. Health: A Scotland which protects its citizens from the harmful effects of air pollution, reducing health inequalities. Placemaking: A Scotland where air quality is not compromised by new or existing development and where places are designed to minimise air pollution and its effects. Climate Change: A Scotland that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and achieves its renewable energy targets whilst delivering co-benefits for air quality. Successfully addressing air pollution requires a partnership approach, involving the Government, its agencies, local authorities, business and industry, non-governmental organisations and the general public. Read more about the Cleaner Air For Scotland strategy Our projects – CAFS engagement (elected members, current project) Manage Cookie Preferences