Scotland’s Flood Risk Management Conference 2020

Managing Flood Risk in the Context of the Climate Emergency

30 – 31 January

Technology and Innovation Centre, Glasgow

Join us for our two-day event in 2020, where climate change needs our attention more than ever before. At this critical time we'll be exploring what the climate emergency means for Flood Risk Management and how we translate the growing momentum into systemic change.

With as much discussion time as presentation time, this conference creates the ideal opportunity for the FRM community to come together to share knowledge and best practice. As well as being a key opportunity to network, we’ll attempt to frame our work within the wider context, present case studies and look at new tools and opportunities. We’re certain it will inspire and equip you to drive the work ahead.

Download the indicative programme here or take a look below. We are updating the programme in preparation for the conference, so please keep checking for updates.

Keep an eye on our website, as we will open public registration in mid-November.

Indicative programme

Day One | Enabling Change 30 January


Welcome from Sniffer and Scottish Government










Making sense of the climate emergency and what this means for flood risk management


 > What do young people want? and a response from the public sector

> Climate Psychology and Flood Risk management - a think piece

> Q and A Slido/live discussion

> Policy to Practice Overview: joint presentation

> Q and A Slido/live discussion


Break and Marketplace




Shared purpose, shared learning  – case studies

 > The National Picture: Progress on implementation of flood risk management plans

> Working in partnership: The value of collaboration between contractor and local authority in developing and implementing a multi-million flood protection project

> Multiple benefits: Delivering benefits for the wider community

> Co-delivering restoring rivers and managing flooding: Creating a better environment for people

> 20 years of change: The Water of Leith Flood Prevention Scheme

> Q and A Slido/live discussion

 Sum-up and brief introduction to workshops before lunch


Lunch and Marketplace




Enabling Change Workshops

> Aligning, planning, place-making and flood risk management - to catalyse change and engage communities

> Creative practices – socially engaged art practice examples to encourage thinking about FRM

> Dynamic Networking - enhancing collaboration in the flood risk management community

> Making sense of the climate emergency – how do we operationalise the climate emergency in sectors and organisations?

> Open session - topics to be identified by delegates in advance


Break and Marketplace



Implementing nature based solutions – a range of perspectives

> Integrating modelling and monitoring of NBS: Implications for Local Authority integrated flood risk management at the catchment scale

> Empirical insights into natural flood management: results from the intensively-monitored Eddleston catchment

> Accumulating benefits – Natural Flood Management in the Allan Water Catchment

> Attitudes of communities at risk of flooding to NFM

> Panel discussion informed by live questions and Slido

Day 1 sum up


Civic Reception


Conference Dinner

Day 2 | A place that floods 31  January


Welcome and introduction to the day



 Living with flooding

 > Long term impacts of flooding in the north-east of Scotland

 >  How many properties are protected by flood risk management in Scotland?

 > Q and A Slido/live discussion



 Key note address

 Roseanna Cunningham MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

 > Q and A Slido/live discussion






 Property Flood Resilience

 > Code of Practice and Guidance for property flood resilience

 > Lessons Learned from the Kings Sutton Property Flood Resilience Scheme

 > 10,000 Raingardens for Scotland increasing the use of raingardens as surface water management features

 > Q and A Slido/live discussion


Break and Marketplace





 Preparing for a changing climate

 > Taking a managed adaptive approach to flood risk measures in Scotland

 > Implementing of Scotland’s Climate Change Adaptation Programme / Climate Ready Clyde

 > Promoting creative and public engagement practices which build bridges between ecological, arts and social discourses

 > Q and A Slido/live discussion


Introduction to parallel sessions from the chair



 Tools for change parallel sessions and workshops

 > Web based tools and guidance:

o   Use of the Latest 2D Modelling Techniques in Surface Water Management to help inform a long-term drainage strategy

 o   A web-tool to explore the potential impacts of climate change on peak river flows in Great Britain

 o   Developing a method to assess the impact of incremental loss of floodplain

 o   SUDS and Partnership Working

 > Research to support FRM community - ‘spark’ talks covering relevant research

 > Funding for FRM – a future look at how funding could evolve

 > Creative practices - socially engaged art practice examples to encourage thinking about FRM

 Making sense of the climate emergency – how do we operationalise the climate emergency in sectors and organisations?


 Reflection and thanks


Lunch and networking

If you have any questions or comments about the programme please get in touch via our email